Monday, December 7, 2015


To be faithful is to adjust your mindset, to open up your heart and believe I am who I say I am. I can fill your heart to overflowing and out of it will pour living water on all those who thirst for truth. A human soul must let me reign. We then become one in unity, speaking and thinking the same. When I died on the cross it was so I could send you the Holy Spirit to live in you. It is so with you now in fullness. Down through the ages when a soul desires me to be a part of them, I don't come in with a dab, I come in a full measure. All of me or nothing at all. It is by faith we inherit the kingdom of God. Simply believe it is I living in thee.

Did I not speak through a donkey? How much more can I speak through a human vessel. I long to open many hearts to my faithfulness so I can do many mighty wonderful works through them. But, for a lack of belief, I cannot. I only ask that you believe. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, I can then do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I am able to part the Red Sea to cross over to dry ground. All things are possible to him that believes without wavering. Stand strong in faith, for I am faithful. I am able to close the mouth of the lion, to still the stormy sea, to stop the rain from falling, or flood the earth over. Is anything too hard for me?

If you will trust me with all your heart, I shall accomplish much through you. I will pour out heaven's riches and be a blessing for many. What I can get through you, I will get to you. You must empty a vessel of water before I can refill it. Be a vessel that seeks to be empty and you will never thirst, for I will pour in, in abundance. Open wide your mouth and I will speak through you so your joy may be full. So I say again unto you that you only need believe it is I living in thee and out of you shall flow many, mighty, wonderful works. Seek me with your whole heart and soul and you will find me. If you will abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Faith is not something you do, it is something you are. The seed is in you. Let it grow to full maturity and many will eat of this fruit. And when you come home to heaven, you shall hear with your ears, "well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in for your work has been rewarded. You did not give up the good fight." Now is the time of true rest, everlasting rest that endures forever.

Become one with me and I will become one with you. I love you as you are.


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