Monday, June 23, 2014


I am light unto your feet, a weapon of love an arsenal of patience a direct deposit of grace, an overflow of my gifts to be brought to the body of Christ. A mighty force of power that will be unleashed. I decide who I will use for this end-time army. A force that will take over the enemy's ground. My army is marching to my command unobstructed by man. As I said in my word my life is manifested everywhere the souls of a Christian life moves on the earth. The inward man of beauty, a silent strength, a power source the world has never seen. A heart full of love can open doors to my kingdom that would otherwise be shut. My life is not for the perfect man but for the lowly, contrite in spirit, humility their guide. I will tear down the walls of oppression and kindle a fire of redemption. My harvesters are ready the threshing floor full. I am grafting into the vine all those who are mine. The wells of revival are coming your way a refreshing wind is blowing stirring the flame. The billows are blowing fanning the flame of revival. Get ready, get ready my army is marching at the sound of my command bringing in the precious fruit of revival. The vats are overflowing the blood of the Lamb, red rivers never seen before knocking at the door. Many will turn and run away, my life will be given to all who will stand. Open wide the gates heaven is opening its door, ringing a song throughout the land. A trumpet has been blown sounding an alarm praise' rs are praising pushing back the darkness and lifting up the lost. My kingdom is flowing over its banks the river is rising calling lost souls, a refreshing and purifying all who will drink. A few are not ready they have not heeded my call some will not listen, some will be lost. The gates have been opened heed the call. I am coming back soon for a spotless bride covered in my blood on the doorpost of your heart. No stain will remain you are covered in white, my name is written on your head a future so bright. Your name was written in the book of life a crown of glory awaits those who kept up the good fight. Heaven is waiting for the entrance of souls so the gate can be closed from those who choose to hate it is too late.  The latter rain came.                 {the ready hand of a writer}

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Intimacy is Power

June 19, 2014      Spending time with me will unleash a torrent of my love upon you and out into a lost and dying world. There is no short cut to my presence, time spent with me produces character and my life will manifest outward into the lives of all you encounter. Be about my Fathers business and He will be about yours. Power in, power out. I dwell among you so I can be lifted up and will manifest my Glory for all the hurting world to see. The time is short and my power is getting ready to be unleashed so the more time you spend in the Word and in Me the more I can do through you and my life will be brought out into others and they will ask you the reason for your hope and find peace, my peace is not of this world if it were I wouldn't have been crucified.  I will by no means leave you or forsake you, you are my bride and I love you with an everlasting love a love that will never end even though you parish you will rise into my arms and forever dwell with me in eternity. My arm is not shortened that it cannot save as a matter of fact I died so you can live with me. Where I go I want you with me so take up your cross and come find me, your loving King.
